Pikachu Bundle Unboxing!!!


I can’t even believe I forgot to post my unboxing here. I was just too excited and was all over the place when I finally got it that I spaced on the blog. I am so sorry. Please see the link to the unboxing video below.

Remember! I am also streaming this. I already had one session done and will do another later tonight. 


Thank you to everyone for reading

Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu Switch Bundle

I am watching (not patiently) for my bundle to get here. According to the screenshot below, it’ll be here tomorrow. I ordered mine from Gamestop.com and I know a lot of people who ordered already got theirs and I am ever so jealous. My experience has been horrible with them and it’s their fault for it taking so long. I plan to stream a lot of game play, even though I’ll be late to the party. I just can’t wait to play the Switch as it’ll be the first one I’ll own, ever. 

I knew that eventually something Pokemon-related would come out for the Switch so I waited and bide my time and I am so glad I did. I think this bundle will be worth the hassle I had to go through (will post another blog about that later) to get it. I’ve watched a few unboxings and it’s just making me more excited. I will have my own as well, so you better believe that. 🙂

Be prepared to see it in action, so if you aren’t already, make sure you’re subscribed to my Youtube and you are following me on Twitch. 



See you soon!


You guys! It’s here! The first live action Pokemon movie is here! Never in my life did I think a moment like this would happen. But next year, Pokemon Detective Pikachu will be on the case! All of the footage of Pokemon look amazing and I will do everything I can to make sure I do not miss this one. I wonder what kind of awesome movie promos will be available around Summer 2019. I am beyond stoked for this!!!

Check out my reaction!


Pokemon Revolution Online

I had a chance to actually sit down and start this last night. I know this has been out for quite some time and I’m super late to the party but with Let’s Go Pikachu/Eevee just around the corner, I could not help it.

I love the online concept and from what I’ve played of it , it’s absolutely gorgeous. It took me back so many years to the Red/Blue era and it made me so much more excited to get Lets Go !!! I didnt get to play much cause it was really late and I did need to go to bed for work but you can watch me play it below.

I didn’t research much about it but whoever created this universe did a very good job. I can’t wait to play more of it , which I’ll probably binge until next week. 🙂

Thanks for reading